Sunday, September 14, 2014

There Goes The Neighborhood

"No identification of self or mission. No interference with the social development of said planet. No references to space or the fact that there are other worlds or civilizations." This is the Prime Directive, as told by Captain Kirk. Basically, it means that any civilization encountered, especially those less developed than the Federation, should not be made aware of the technology advances made in other parts of the universe or that there is other lie. The explorer cannot identify himself or interfere with the planet's development. If the explorers and settlers were members of Star Fleet, they surely would be disciplined for breaking the Directive. 

Imagine if a ship landed on Earth today. Maybe they bring flying cars and anti-pollution devices. They tell us that there are other worlds, other civilizations out there. Then they call you savages, and tell you your religion is wrong, and you should, for example worship the sun and the moon. Then they begin to take over your land. 

At first there would be disbelief. Likely, the Native Americans were skeptical, thinking maybe these people were gods or spirits. The first major conflict would be the language barrier. Neither knew the other's language. Being unable to talk to the settlers, the Native Americans would have no way to tell them, "No. THis is my land." The only way to show that would be to force the settlers off. This would lead to bloody conflicts, for the settler's weapons were far superior, but the Native Americans knew the land better. 

There would be outright anger at the attempts to convert. The Native American's had been following their religion for hundreds of years. You can't suddenly turn your back on all that history. And for the very spiritual, to be told that your religion is false, and that you will go to Hell for this type of worship, this would be the worst insult possible. People have always fought for what they believed, and the Native Americans were not exempt. 

People do not give up their way of life easily. Looks at the Civil War, World War II, or just about any major conflict; people are fighting for their way of life. The Native Americans were no different. They fought, but ultimately, they lost. Their conflicts stemmed from one major point; the settlers began to change things: the land, the religion, the level of technology. They violated the Prime Directive, and in doing so began the downfall of a civilization that had lasted for hundreds of years. 

1 comment:

  1. I like the comparison to other conflicts here. It's very true that if people today were treated the way the Native Americans were by explorers and settlers, a war would ensue. But you have to remember that even if the Native Americans had known English, they wouldn't have said "This is my land." To them, land was not something to be owned. It was something to be cared for and greatly respected, even worshiped, so they had no idea that the white men would be able to take it away from them. That's another thing that made the whole process of "colonization" so unfair and one-sided.
